Saturday, September 29, 2007
Fever Pitch and the National Library Board of SingaporeI stepped into the library and borrowed 3 books for the first time in months. One of them was Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby, and I'm already halfway through. Funny how this book is so easily readable, but then there are some which just seem to be endless. Book in question- The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Waxing philosophy of life through being a football addict (the former) IS easier than say, going on a weird long journey which includes selling crystals and dreaming of pyramids along the way (the latter). Speaking of books, don't we just love it when the mail comes and hey presto, there's a fine reminder by the NLB? A fine of $1.05, I think. But I've threw that reminder into the bin already, so I forgot. As with the Singaporean mentality, I'll pay my fines when I reach the stage of "Restricted Borrowing", in other words, when my fine reaches $6 and above. Call me Evil Kenivel of the books. Or a Singaporean citizen for that "bo chap" attitude. But I'm stopping short of compraining that the NLB is being "bo liao" in sending each Singaporean citizen a fine reminder, because I think some "kiasi" people may actually pay up. Don't get me wrong though, I love the library. It's where I can be alone, and not feel lonely at all. And that by itself is really a talent, because I know of too many people who roll their eyes at the very mention of "library", "books", "borders" and even "kinokuniya". RIGHT Sivalingam? I feel proud of the fact that titles of good fiction books can roll off the tip off my tongue when I want to be intellectual. And that they make me laugh (Nick Hornby, you devil). I like the fact that they make me want to shed tears, even when I'm commuting on the train (Mitch Albom's most prominent talent). Most of all, I'm proud that I keep reading, and reading and reading, but I never get bored of books at all. Labels: Bookends
12:39 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
"I don't want to fall to pieces, I just want to sit and stare at you"So D&D was a huge success. Yes, Ms Apple Lee and her mafia crew of 5 pulled it off like how a magician pulled out a rabbit from his hat. But the latter was magic, and Ms Lee did it the good ol' fashioned way with hard work (and a lot of cussing in between..haha). So Apple, you better STUDY HARD now.
12:56 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
i'm back.To the days where I spend mindless hours on the computer, that is. And it's not on surfing the web, too. I'm playing AGE OF EMPIRES 3, a game where I control a tiny colony and expanding it, and along with it, kill my enemies and raze their buildings to the ground! Oh Yea! I think I just opened the violent streak in me once again. It was a time where computer games involved bloody spurts and head dismembering (think Mortal Kombat) and AGE OF EMPIRES was only at its first edition. Then there were others, like Warcraft and Command and Conquer where the basic gameplay was the same and the only difference were the setting. Warcraft was played at some ulu futuristic timezone, and Command and Conquer was like the real world. However, it was AGE OF EMPIRES which got me addicted. It was especially sweet to kick the computer's ass (cos I'm playing against the computer) with waves after waves after waves of attacks from my massive troops of musketeers and phlanx. Throw in a lil bit of history lessons, and hey presto, I'm victorious. Cool huh? Now that I'm playing the 3rd edition, which of course features georgous graphics, I feel like I'm back to being that (younger) teenager. And I really love to stay at home nowadays too. Being able to go home after a hard day of school is like going to an oasis after a tiring journey in the dessert. You must be thinking, got so bad meh? I guess, now that I'm a lil older, and having been to Orchard Road a million and one times already, nothing much in Singapore excites me anymore. Well yea, the "hanging out with friends" part still matter, but I kinda like that "I'm a loser who likes to stay home" feeling. Even in Korea, I look forward to going back to Hwa Jong just to sit on that sofa and nap. Home's still the best place to chill anywhere (even with 5 other crazy, zonked out people who happen to live in it too OR 3 other crazy, zonked out, sleepless zombies -->Yes, it's about you, Joyce and gang! Ha.) , and it's the perfect place for sleeping. Shush me the next time I talk about being jealous of people who get to stay in hostels-- please.
12:35 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
You know I'm No Good- Amy Winehouse. I think Almodovar is a genius. All about my mother is the kind of movie worth the 101 minutes of my time. Shockingly funny, and shockingly liberating. I still believe in the tales of the unordinary ordinary. No mega explosions, no forced drama, no illogical plot holes. Once the fancy fairytales get stripped down, all it matters is the convincing glance, the stares and the words unspoken. Choose European cinema. Cos Hollywood just makes us feel plain DUMB and dumber. Labels: almodovar
8:18 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
To say that it takes 15minutes to reach Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information is paying too much a compliment to bus service 179. In fact, it takes 30 minutes, keeping in mind the sheer amount of people that throng (in and) out of the bus when it reaches North Spine. Basically, that's the flaw in my plan when it comes to allocating the time taken to come to school-- and the reason why I always end up being late for class. S.C.R.E.W 179. Labels: 179
4:53 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hairy Sally. The girl above recently groused that her hair is falling out. "Deannie! I' ve got excessive hair loss :( help help" she said. So I volunteered my unruly "hair plantation" that had been in business since secondary school that catered to Ho Shi Qi because she also faced the same problem. ![]() (the one on the right) And the funny thing is, both girls are in SIM doing some banking or finance or business course and they do have some modules that are the same. Sadly, their timetable don't match, if not they can be friends who talks and uses about Deannie's hair. ![]() On offering my suggestion to Leanne, she retorted, "Den wat, 'm supposed to paste your cut hair on mine?" Ah hahahaha. I never thought of it that way. With Shi Qi, I offered hope. With Leanne, I was acutely aware that I am going to have to pull out my hair if she insisted on my suggestion. I think they should consult a hair specialist together. And talk about my hair too. ![]() Cos I'm the new hiaochabo in town. Ahahahahahhaaaa.... Can laochabo stand a chance?
10:25 AM
Friday, September 14, 2007
School feels like a transition in time.Thoughts and philosophies are thrown in, and I think I have limited thinking space. Hmmm.... Everytime someone speaks, it takes me 5 seconds to consolidate, and then an even longer time to think. Then when I want to speak, someone has already addressed the issue for me. How? Liddat? How? Maybe it's the Singapore education system where you can jolly well keep your mouth shut and still go through the various levels of school without any trouble. Cinema studies class is the most interesting class I'm taking this semester. Comments and ideas flow fast and furious everytime. There was so much to think about, so much to ponder, and yet so little time. Exciting! Always makes me wonder if I could ever be an auteur, ever. I should go and live in a cave with a camera and develop my own film techniques. But then, there are no caves in Singapore. Then, there's my Radio Show, a somewhat familiar continuation from last semester's Lovewreck with Felicia to veryveryTabloid!, a gossipy, know-all people programme with Apple. ![]() ![]() Partners! I realise that controls-wise, I can safely say I am quite zai, since the controls are neatly labelled. Except for the occasional slip ups when I adjust the volume wrongly, the console is my playground. When it comes to talking though, that's the harder part. Suddenly I put on this English voice that I never knew I had. OhgoshIhopeIdon'tfakeslangtoomuch. It's being self-consious I guess. And the fact that my voice had been monotonous for say, the years in Secondary School and some say JC, makes me more self-conscious. On the bright side, at least I can hold a tune now. Compare that to the times when people had to analyze my lyrics to understand what song I was singing. OH THE HORRORs. Funnily enough, when I was younger, I really wanted to be a radio deejay. I could spend the whole day earplugged into (then) Perfect10 and listen to what they call it?-- All hits all day. Then I changed my mind and wanted to be in cinema. Which became cemented as my ambition. But I'm also secretly yearning to make ads, or to write trashy articles about Britney Spears. We'll see what project I shall embark on. My initiative sucks at the moment. The point is, though, that you listen to RadioFusion on thursdays 11am-1pm. Okay? I promise I will wave back if you wave to me at Can B.
4:01 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
I got a lollipop from joyce!!!And, ya, I'm A-OK already. I'm actually really really okay. I'm a strong kid. apple. Cos she wants me to spell her name And i finally met up with the sr ballers after 1 month plus of coming back to singapore. They are still perverts. Sheesh. My gifts to everyone is almost given out, the choco pies have all been eaten. Please use your fan when you go orchard road. Thank you. Use your mask also. Wear your Korean clothes. Use your nail polish.
1:12 PM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Going back through a time machine As with Christina Aguilera, there needs to be a time where we go back to basics. Basketball-wise, it's time to go back to that point where we decide this was our sport to live and die by, instead of a certain lil footy sport that seemed oh-so-attractive. NO. Basketball was what we chose. That's the time where the simplest, purest pleasure was experienced by the first proper lay up executed. Or the first shot that went in for the first game that you played. Pleasure aside, there were also the sad times. Times where you slap yourself as a bench warmer because, seriously, you can't do anything to help the team if you want to and the coach uses his authority to make known to you that you can't do anything. Times where you question if you really belong some in a team which you barely squeak during training. What I've learnt so far is never to say you're not good enough. Being good enough is only a matter of time and effort. Play the game when you're playing the game. Nothing else matters. Way to commemorate my 8th year of playing basketball, huh?
5:33 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Korea does a lot to strengthen one's mind.
2:57 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
I can do this. I can.
10:40 PM